Friday, January 3, 2020

Is College a Worthy Investment

Is College a Worthy Investment Ive been surprised lately by the number of people Ive met who arent sure if college is really worth it. Many of these people have told me they believe it would be a welcheste of money to pay for something they might never use especially if they change their mind about their career path later on.The group Im talking about is made up of millennials in their 20s. Theyve seen their friends go to college and end up with little more than a pile of student loans and a degree that opens zero doors. They see their friends living at home with parents, unable to get their own apartments. As a result, they areunsure if they trust this system.The job market has beenlackluster for years. College tuition is at extremely high levels, creatingcorrespondingly high levels of student debt. Older workers are forced to stay in their jobs longer, leaving fewer good jobs for new graduates.When you think of it this way, the mistrust of higher e ducation makes sense. It can seem that the return on investment doesnt justify the money spent.However, this perspective worries me. In todays workforce, a college degree is often considered the minimum threshold for entry. Its similar to how a high school diploma was perceived in previous generations. Without one, a job seeker will likely be at a disadvantage.Very often, the specific degree one has is less important than having one at all. Ask anyone over the age of 40 what they studied in college. There is a decent chance youll be surprised by their answer because theyended up switching fields along the way.When I hear this doubt about the value of college, I think about a number of the older job seekers Ive met along the way. Early in their careers, they were leaders in their fields. They worked at the same companies for years, building up client bases and very large paychecks. Then one day, the industry shifted. The companies they worked for went out of business, and they were o ut of work.Suddenly, these successful, seasoned professionals felt lost. Employers are less interested in them. They have all the right experience and the right knowledge, but they dont have degrees. They dont meet the basic requirements. They struggle to find work that will pay enough to maintain their lifestyles.If youre struggling to decide about college, remember the long game. Education is expensive, but its almost always worth it. Think of how much youd be willing to pay for a new car because ithelps you get around easily. Education gets you places, too.And if college isnt for you for whatever reason, consider a trade program. Additional training will almost always put you ahead of your competition and help secure your future.A version of this article originally appeared in theMemphis Daily News.Angela Copeland is a career coach and CEO at her firm,Copeland Coaching.