Thursday, September 10, 2020

Overcoming Friction

Engineering Management Institute Overcoming Friction the writer Steven Pressfield: “resistance”. He’s the author of the book “Bagger Vance” and many others. Through the posts I’ve penned thus far, I’ve not beneficial any books as must-reads….until now. I extremely suggest studying Steven’s books The War of Art and Do The Work if the idea of ‘friction’ or ‘resistance’ is something you wish to study extra about. Reading both a number of instances has allowed me to kick-up my recreation in overcoming thoughts-friction and doing my work. “If you’re paralyzed with worry it’s a good sign. It reveals you what you need to do.” Steven Pressfield Onward, Christian J. Knutson, P.E., PMP Engineering Management Institute Applying the Heat to Create Your IdealPutting Yourself in OVERDRIVEBeing Focused Filed Under: Leadership/Management Tagged With: Leadership, self mastery, work

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